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My New Years Resolutions 2023

Happy New Year to you! Not sure how we are already here, one week into 2023 and I'm only just reflecting and thinking about what I want to do more of this year. Do more of rather than have specific targets and quantitative goals as they say...

This year, I want to make more time for the fun things, the important things and the best things!

So number one on my list is to make more time for joy, bit cheesy yes, but stick with me...I want to make more time for the things that make me happy, like reading, I only hit 11 books this year on my Goodreads app and I've still got a handful of unfinished 'work' books! Bit of a cliché one but I've now added 24 books to my Reading challenge for the year, wish me luck...

Part of this is also having creative outlets that bring me joy, I of course love calligraphy but now it's my job, it's not my creative outlet so much. It's important to have that and I don't know why but I felt like calligraphy was my thing so I should stick with it but it doesn't mean I can't branch out and try different arts and crafts. So I've already started with this one and signed up to a Pottery course starting next week, both hand building and wheel out Pottery Throwdown 2024! That's coming back on this weekend for those that are interested ;)

To go with this is to take yourself out on an inspiration day! In my old job, we used to get an extra day off for an inspiration day where you could go to a gallery or a show, something to get those creative juices flowing and I always felt more creative and productive once I got back to my desk the next day. It makes such a difference to get out and be in a different space, surround yourself with people, creative work and just soak it all up! I recommend just going for a walk around a new town or city for the day if you don't fancy paying for an actual event.

Ok, so this one is a little quantitative but I want to try to stick to blogging every other week on here, I love writing but I often leave it at the bottom of the list as it's not 'that important'. But there's so many things I want to write about and to tell you about, from tips I've learnt along the way with calligraphy, tools that I've discovered, to ways you can use your calligraphy like decorating for Easter or a special birthday!

Along with this, is the introduction of my newsletter which will be sent to your inbox just once a month with a round up of my news, blogs, latest workshop dates and some extra special bits and bobs. Two writing tasks that I want to keep on top of, that's only 12 newsletters for the year, I can definitely do that...I hope!

To date, I now host workshops across five different venues with a few more in the pipeline. From only teaching primarily at one venue last year, I'd love to expand again by the end of the year with different themed workshops. This also ties in with getting my mindfulness diploma once I've completed the course so that I can start hosting my own mindful modern calligraphy workshops focused on your breath and wellbeing.

To end, I want to be ready to say yes to more opportunities and keep growing Inkscript, meet more of you and make more time for the things that bring me joy :)

Wishing you a happy and healthy start to 2023 x

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